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In order to maintain one’s health and slow down the aging process, one must keep our Qi channels running smoothly and at a balanced level. There are 12 main channels (rivers) and 365 known cavities (reservoirs) in a human being. These 12 rivers originated from our Ying and Yang organs networking to cover our mind and whole body. Ancient Qigong styles were created based on these requirements of smooth flow and reservoirs being full so that they can properly regulate the flow.

Why Qigong Practice
                                                  PERSONAL TRAINING
Tailor made to the individual needs, for health reasons, for emotional balance, for martial art foundation build up or for recovering from illness.



           Qigong Walker and Meditation


We organize regular tours to various oxygen filled mountains for exercise and meditation.


           Performance and Movie Industries


Provide martial artists and advise on martial art ideas.




Foundation and advance classes are held weekly on Saturday and Sunday at Chueng Sha Wan, Kowloon dance studio.


Organized daily or weekly in house group exercise.

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